Thursday 8 December 2011

MAIN POST 2: choosing your genre

Monday 5 December 2011

MAIN POST 1: convetions of a opening sequence

Types of conventions from different genres

I am looking at different types of openings in different genres so I can see what type of opening my short film will have and what conventions it will need to fit my genre.


Looking at Crank which is a action/crime genre I have seen that in the opening sequence there is backing music which is rock this type of music sets the mood as if it was slow music you would expect it to be a carm atmosphere where as by using rock music the atmosphere is lively. When the credits come up they dissolve into the next camera shot, I like this idea as it looks very clever and also it links the two different shots together. There is also flashing colours with the title 'Crank' along side the rock music which yet again sets a very lively scene but then it cuts to silence making the audeience feel weiry of what is going to happen next.It keeps the viewers intised as it isnt the same level of music or the same shots throught.I like this idea as it shows many skills,I will look into this when i start to look at my own opening sequence.
Afterward the different shots of the title 'Crank' there is a repetitive ringing noise whilst it focus' on one character and then edits to a point of view shot(P.O.V) I like this idea as it helps the viewer understand the character before the film starts,I understand that a convention of a opening sequence is to introduce the character and by showing the shot of the character then switching to the P.O.V shot this meets the convention.The lighting is also dark which creates weiryness also along with the music being very loud then cutting to silence.All of the conventions meet each other creating a postive opening sequence.

Legally Blonde
For my second opening sequence I looked at Legally Blonde, I understand that it is a comedy which is a very different genre toward Crank.I had choosen to look at a different genre to Crank as I want to see if the conventions of a typical opening sequence still applies in to seperate genres.  
Legally Blonde has a lighter atmosphere towards it as the music is lighter and also fits under the pop genre it is cheerier and also the lighting is very bright whichalso matches the music.Both of theese make the openign sequence seem very happy making a postive start to the film. Although the music is very different and the lighting is different the camera angles are similar.Legally Blonde and Crank both use P.O.V and also it pans.From seeing this I understand that in my opening sequence it doesnt matter what my genre will be as I wont be restricted to certain types of camera angles. The lighting is also lighter which sets a happier atmosphere. You also have shots of certain objects which also set the scene and also gives information about the character without any dialogue which I think is a good idea.

The text also fades.